Pressure Test
Communication and better governance in the new age of risk and crisis
Traditional approaches to risk and crisis management too often fall short of the challenges of our increasingly volatile corporate and organisational reality. The resulting challenges to business operations, governance, and sustainability are profound.
Pressure Test: Communication and better governance in the new age of risk and crisis unpacks our approach to supporting improved business resilience and governance through better crisis planning and management in the face of the new forces at play.
The WE Communications crisis risk management model shows how, when the communications function takes a more central role, more risks can be identified and addressed sooner, leading to more effective crisis avoidance, mitigation and subsequent brand recovery.
Key principles include:
- Specialist communications expertise is integral to creating a values-led operation
- Late or incomplete engagement of crisis communications is a key cause of poor crisis outcomes
- “Need to know” crisis communications are not effective crisis communications
- Effective risk identification must include scanning for non-traditional risks
The whitepaper outlines how the communications team can make a vital contribution to an organisation’s ability to avoid or limit damage from a crisis, through the application of wider external perspective and deeper situational awareness to existing risk controls, open internal communication between key functions and early intervention.
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Corporate Reputation & Brand Purpose »

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